Territorial governance and proximity dynamics. The case of two public policy arrangements in the Brazilian Amazon

    (), Volume 97 (4), pp. 909-929, November 2018. Présentation (JC). Etude des effets des

    Présentation (FED) : Etude des effets des modalités de gouvernance territoriale en région amazonienne, dans l’optique de promouvoir les interactions et la collaboration entre les acteurs du développement rural. Dans cette région, la distance est un obstacle aux interactions entre acteurs, mais qui n’est pas insurmontable. Les politiques territoriales favorisant la communication entre acteurs permettent de le surmonter.

    Abstract (authors) : Using social network and proximity-based approaches, this paper analyses the effect of two territorial governance arrangements implemented in the Amazonian region in the framework of ‘The Territories of Citizenship’ programme, which aims to promote interaction and collaboration between the various actors of rural development. In the Amazon region, the great distances between actors made their interactions difficult. Our study reveals, however, that those distances are not insurmountable obstacles to collaboration. Indeed, the measures implemented in the framework of territorial policies promote communication between the different actors of the territories, thus allowing for the development and reinforcement of organized proximity.

    Lien : http://andre-torre.com/pdf/PDFpub335N1.pdf