Productive Capacity of Biodiversity: Crop Diversity and Permanent Grasslands in Northwestern France

    (), volume 77, pp. 365–399

    Présentation (FED) : Les auteurs étudient l'influence de deux composantes de la biodiversité agricole, la diversité des cultures au niveau de l'exploitation et les prairies permanentes, sur la production de céréales et de lait, selon leur combinaison et les intrants conventionnels. Ils étudient les systèmes de production à partir d'un échantillon de 3960 exploitations polyculture-élevage de 2002 à 2013 en France. Les résultats montrent que l'augmentation de la proportion de prairies permanentes a augmenté les rendements céréaliers (dans certaines conditions) et que l'augmentation de la diversité des cultures augmente les rendements céréaliers et laitiers. La diversité des cultures et les prairies permanentes peuvent se substituer et se substituer aux engrais et aux pesticides.

    Abstract (authors) : Previous studies on the productive capacity of biodiversity emphasized that greater crop diversity increases crop yields. We examined the influence of two components of agricultural biodiversity—farm-level crop diversity and permanent grasslands—on the production of cereals and milk. We focused on productive interactions between these two biodiversity components, and between them and conventional inputs. Using a variety of estimators (seemingly unrelated regressions and general method of moments, with or without restrictions) and functional forms, we estimated systems of production functions using a sample of 3960 mixed crop-livestock farms from 2002 to 2013 in France. The estimates highlight that increasing permanent grassland proportion increased cereal yields under certain conditions and confirm that increasing crop diversity increases cereal and milk yields. Crop diversity and permanent grasslands can substitute each other and be a substitute for fertilizers and pesticides.

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