Environmentally and socially beneficial outcomes produced by agro-pastoral systems in the Cévennes National Park (France)

    (), 78: pp. 739-747

    Présentation (FED) : Etude, à partir d’interviews, d’acteurs de services environnementaux et sociaux du Parc régional des Cévennes selon la méthode d’Elinor Orstrom. Les auteurs montrent le conflit entre les forces du marché, soutenues par la Politique agricole commune (PAC) et les stratégies locales d’acteurs (production bio, circuits courts, méthodes de transformation innovantes) qui contribuent à la préservation du système agro-pastoral traditionnel.

    Abstract (authors) : The Cévennes National Park in the South of France is a major and viable example of Mediterranean ancestral agro-pastoralism that represents the relationship between agro-pastoral systems and their biophysical environment. These characteristics are recognized by a UNESCO label. Nevertheless, this medieval heritage is endangered by short-term agricultural economic strategies aiming to boost competitiveness. Our research uses Ostrom’s social-ecological systems as an analytical framework to explore systemic inter-dependencies among natural, social and economic processes which lead to the production of environmentally and socially beneficial outcomes. Our results highlight the role of the National Park and of local collective strategies in countering individual land management approaches in order to preserve agro-pastoral systems.

    Lien : https://www.iamm.ciheam.org/ress_doc/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=39879