A participatory decision support system for contaminated brownfield redevelopment: a case study from France

    (), Volume 62 (10), pp. 1736-1760

    Présentation (FED) : L'objectif de cet article est de montrer comment appliquer un processus d'évaluation participative utilisant des aides à la décision multicritères peut être utile pour le réaménagement d'un friche industrielle contaminée en France. Une méthode dite ELECTRE I est utilisée pour sélectionner des projets consensuels telle qu'un tel processus participatif peut être mis en œuvre pour garantir que des choix réalisables, cohérents et transparents.

    Abstract (authors) : Currently, participatory evaluation processes using multicriteria decision aids are barely used in the context of contaminated sites, even though they are a powerful tool for supporting land-use decision-making. The aim of this paper is to show how to apply such a participatory evaluation process (mixed methods) to the redevelopment of a contaminated brownfield site in France. Following the Model for the Operationalization of Democratic Evaluation (MODE), we designed a participatory process that enabled stakeholder empowerment to implement participatory multicriteria evaluations. We show that the (Elimination and Choice Expressing Reality) ELECTRE I method can be used to select consensus-based brownfield redevelopment projects and that such a participatory process can be implemented to ensure that feasible, coherent, and transparent choices are made for other brownfield redevelopment processes.