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Présentation (FED) : L'article traite des conflits entre différents acteurs dus au projet du barrage Diamer Bhasha au Pakistan. Les auteurs examinent les conflits entre les personnes affectées et les organes directeurs et ceux entre différents groupes de personnes sur les droits fonciers et de propriété. Ils montrent qu'une partie d'entre eux est liée à la structure du capital social, qu'il y ait un manque de communication entre les groupes. L'article aborde en outre les questions d'indemnisation, de réinstallation et de subsistance des personnes, la mauvaise planification, la corruption et la mauvaise gestion des organes directeurs. Enfin, il fournit des recommandations de politiques publiques.

Abstract (authors) : Interpersonal and inter-groups relationships based on social capital are a very critical and variable factor and could be a cause of cooperation or conflict among different actors. Conflicts related to land-use, especially infrastructure projects, happen in different forms over the world depending upon their intensity and have severe impacts on affected people in different ways regarding their position and their social inclusion. The article deals with the conflicts arising among different actors due to Diamer Bhasha Dam project in Pakistan. In order to assess these conflicts, we use different sources of data, mainly national and regional dailies, as well as interviews with experts and stakeholders. We examine different conflicts between affected people and governing bodies and also among different groups of local affected people over land and property rights. We show that a part of them is linked with the structure of social capital, be there a lack of communication between groups of bonding links within groups of people. The article further goes into compensation, resettlement and livelihood issues, poor planning, corruption and mismanagement of governing bodies and their impact on affected people. Finally, it provides policy measures and recommendations in the form of capacity building of affected people in different areas, more developmental projects in local area and public participation in different project activities.

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